Hi everybody, I’m Lev – Affiliate Marketing Coach & Mentor. I started my first internet business back in 2013 in order to have the luxury of time. Waking up whenever I wanted, without an alarm clock was my dream:) Everyone’s goal, right? I wasn’t always an affiliate marketer though. To think I had a 7-year career as a data analyst in the corporate world is crazy!
Now I work from wherever I want, whenever I want. It truly is a dream come true. I don’t say this to boast, but to say that if I can achieve this, so can you.
When looking for ways to earn an income online, I fell victim to many scams and confusing webinars, and tons of misinformation. Then one day I came across WA. It was a complete breath of fresh air. What is WA?
Well here is the exact free 10 Video Lesson Course that changed my life. I’ll just put it right out there for you 🙂 WA is a community that also offers top-notch training videos and all the tools anyone looking to start an online business will ever need. It’s also where I got my start in online marketing. This series jump started the journey to earning my 1st dollar online, then onto me making a living online.
The detailed easy to follow step-by-step tasks allowed me to build a real income generating online business that I can run from anywhere.
One thing that made me take action and start building my online business was the super motivational and knowledgeable community (free sign-up here). Having access to hundreds of helpful successful online marketers, and ‘ambassador’ members available 24/7 was exactly what I needed to believe that this could all be possible.
A couple of friendly and extremely supportive WA members took me under their wing and mentored me. Now it’s my turn to give back, so this is what I am offering to you…
* If you think you’d be interested then see my sign-up down below at the bottom of this page. I’m offering my personal coaching services at no cost to you as my way of giving back to those that are where I once was. * No strings attached.
After seeing success and knowing how lost I was back then, I decided to start this site to help beginners get a jump start while avoiding all of the pitfalls and scams surrounding getting started the right way. My main goal for creating this site is to teach anyone how to start an online business easily and properly.
So, if ultimately making money from the comfort of your home and on your own schedule is for you… well then I offer you my humble advice and recommendation. I was skeptical at first too, “Is earning a living off the internet really possible?”
Now that I know that it is absolutely possible beyond my wildest expectations; I feel a sense of obligation to share everything I know and experienced first hand so that you too can save yourself from the rat race.
Pie In the Sky Dreams…Do Come True!
It’s even easier to make money online than it was when I started. 3 reasons:
– More products than ever are being sold and more people are buying everything online.
– More outlets to reach people online, including free to use blogs and social media accounts.
– Technology is easier to use and more resources to learn are available.
Here’s an example of people that have only been doing affiliate marketing for less than 1 year earning $1000-$7000 a month…check out this blog post by him over at WA- Is Making Money Online Getting Easier in 2019 and Beyond?
Most set up their online business within a few months and then they’re earning this passive income every month. That is the goal. Set it up once and it generates recurring income w/ very little maintenance. The lessons at WA explain exactly how this is achieved.
A Little More About Me…
I put my old day job analyst skills to use and researched every aspect of almost every program out there at the time. Unfortunately, it took about 6 months of joining education programs & webinars that all ended up ultimately being a scam, never ending YouTube videos, taking online surveys, etc. until I eventually, thankfully found WA. I have wasted money & valuable time so that you hopefully will never have to.
Finally Affiliate Marketing Success!
Then my world changed around 3-4 months into the WA membership when I got my 1st online sale. I was beside myself w/ overwhelming joy! I knew at that moment that it actually works, and if I can earn a few dollars like this; there was no limit to what I could earn. And I wanted everyone to feel this feeling.
I must say I stumbled across WA at just the right time and have never looked back. They’re online business community & education is by far the best in the entire industry. Current top-notch material, laid out perfectly. I don’t want to get into all the details here or sound like a sales person, but it is hard to contain the gratitude I feel for the WA community.
You Never Have to Be Alone While Learning…
My deep belief is that no one should ever have to attempt to earn a living online without anybody at their side helping. Most importantly, I found that personal 1-on-1 assistance provided me with that extra push of motivation to actually reach my financial goals. Always having someone to consult and bounce ideas off of was crucial to my success.
To show my appreciation to the WA community, I want to give back.
* For a limited time, I’m offering free mentoring to all that (join here).
After clicking, you’ll be directed to my free sign-up page at the WA community. After creating your free account, I’ll be contacting you on your profile page – and we’ll go from there.
Now over the past 6 years or so, although I’ve been running a few other websites, my passion lies in helping people make the right decisions when it comes to learning how to earn money online. I share how I got started online because I believe everyone deserves to make it on their own and live on their own terms; become self-made.
I genuinely hope you too can experience the joys of working for yourself online and I look forward to the opportunity to personally help you earn your first $ online.
If you have questions, the best place to reach me is on my profile page at WA!
* Remember: sign-up is free and I’ll be more than happy to assist you every step of the way…
Wishing you much success,
Affiliate Marketing Coach & Mentor
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