Most likely you were searching online for ways to make some extra cash and somehow stumbled upon a system for making money online called affiliate marketing. When looking into this further you found out you needed a website…now here you are.
Don’t worry, I’m going to make creating a website for affiliate marketing as easy and painless as possible. After you’re done reading this, you’ll have built yourself a website that is optimized and ready for affiliate marketing all for free. Yes, free.
Building a Website for Affiliate Marketing
Also, before I forget to mention it, make sure you watch the awesome video below on “Creating a Website in Under 30 seconds”. After watching you’ll be able to access the top rated course on affiliate marketing.
Nowadays setting up a website today is fairly easy if you happen to have even the slightest technical aptitude (e.g. checking email). Many people are using a content management platform which is very popular by the name of WordPress. You might have heard of it. It’s almost as easy to use as sending emails. This is the easiest way to start a website and it also happens to be how I got my start. By the way, this site also runs on WordPress.
It turns out many of the website hosting companies have turnkey templates and scripts that can easily install WordPress to your hosting account by just a click of a button. Now what if I told you that you could get the website and hosting all together and for free! (see video below)
- Anyone with some basic computer knowledge should be able to set up a WordPress website within minutes.
- The tutorial below shows perfectly how easy it is to set up a WordPress website for affiliate marketing.
Here’s how to set up an affiliate website in less than a minute!

Okay, now let’s explore how to…
Earning Money With Your Affiliate Marketing Website
In order to start an affiliate marketing business you’ll need to understand that this business model is a way for companies to spread their advertising budgets out and pay out only if something is actually sold. Luckily this allows for those who understand affiliate marketing, to earn good money, along with the company, in return for promoting a certain product or service.
How to make money from affiliate marketing programs are based on having a custom link given to the site owner to place within their content or as a banner ad. When this link is clicked on by a site visitor and results in a sale, then the partner company pays a commission to the site or blog responsible for referring the sale.
You make sales without even owning or producing your own product. Large companies are increasingly turning to affiliates to reach the exact target audience their looking for with their niche specific website/blog and social followings. Even owes some of it’s success to all those that participate in its Associates Program.
Multiple Sources for Finding Affiliate Offers
Resources for locating and signing up for affiliate offers can easily be found with a Google search. For example, ‘your topic of interest + affiliate programs’.
There are thousands of companies that either have their own in-house affiliate program or are part of an affiliate network, such as ShareASale, that handles affiliates for them.
The first affiliate program that most marketers choose to join is ClickBank. The reason is the offers on their site which you’re able to promote, bring in about 50-75% commission based on the product. That is much better than the dismal 5-10% that Amazon Associates pays out.
Many people who are searching online are looking to acquire new information or learn something. ClickBank is a common marketplace for training material, eBooks and other digital products including site memberships, selling access to training communities, etc. So if you can put a vendor offer from ClickBank in front of a reader that is reading a relevant post on your blog, chances are when they click the affiliate link, it will result in a sale for you, the affiliate marketer.
ClickBank is one of the most popular vendor and affiliate marketplaces because you will be instantly approved and they offer one of the best affiliate training available (here’s a review of ClickBank University).
Another top recommend course, which is without a doubt the most comprehensive; is Wealthy Affiliate. It’s a diamond in the rough. The top rated course for promoting affiliate marketing products with ClickBank. If you want to get started right away then this is for you.
But finding other affiliate marketplace websites is fairly easy. Just do a search for something called CPA offers and you will get a plethora of websites devoted to offers that you can put on your website to make some extra money quickly. While you are also searching for these websites you will probably run into several other tutorial websites by “gurus” who teach how this is supposed to work.
The most successful affiliate marketers use a blog/website to display these offers. It is pretty much mandatory that you either have a social media account that has a decent amount of followers or a website that is getting traffic in order to be approved to join. Or an online advertising budget (not for beginners). All you might have to pay for running a blog and is a domain name and hosting (some hosting can be free).
** If you stick to my recommendation above, you can rest assured your time is well spent. I only recommend tried and true programs.
The Importance of Quality Content
Google loves content that is unique. There are numerous places to obtain content for your blog, you could write it yourself, you could hire someone to do this for you for a nominal fee, or you could go all out and hire a dedicated writer for your website. This is really all up to you and your personal budget. The most likely scenario is that you’ll probably outsource this content by using a website that is devoted to create unique articles surrounding your desired topics. It’s important that your writing is original, any duplicate content is frowned upon search engine like Google, and will have a negative impact on your rankings.
A quick Google search for “unique content for my website” will generate at least five or six places where you can order articles for your website.
Building a free affiliate marketing website will allow you to get targeted traffic and as a result you’ll be able to recommend products to visitors of your site.
This has only been an introduction to building a website for affiliate marketing and not an exhaustive course on the subject. If you’d like to learn more on how to get started in affiliate marketing please read the review I’ve done on:
Wealthy Affiliate, my #1 recommended free training program and community
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