Step by Step Guide on Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
The best place I have found for doing this is to simply join the WA community and go through the free affiliate marketing full training course 👇(click below)👇.
The video walk-through lessons show you how to get up and running quickly and with confidence. This community is definitely the place to be when it comes to starting your online affiliate marketing career.

It’s not an easy feat to be able to pull down four-figures (or three) every day, or per week for that matter, whether you’re an experienced affiliate marketer or not. However, to find out how much can you earn from affiliate marketing, you need not look far. I will be presenting an online affiliate marketing community where a vast majority of members are making four-figures and the even higher achievers are earning upwards of $30,000 per month. I am not exaggerating either.
Although there are a few very crucial things you’ll need to know to reach the levels of success you have in mind, first things first. As a beginner, you need to invest time into yourself to learn the whole affiliate marketing online process & the strategies involved. You need to give yourself enough time to succeed and take into account the learning curve.
Anywhere between 6 months and 1 year of your life, if your serious about earning a substantial income online. I am a realist. As long as you know what you’re getting into from the beginning your expectations should be in line with reality.
Learn Affiliate Marketing for Free
What I mean by this is, you must give yourself enough lead to time to get ahead of the learning curve and a margin for errors that come up along the way. It may take 3-6 months just to acquire knowledge on the pillars that will give you the foundation you’ll need to learn how to do affiliate marketing step by step.
- Step 1: Give yourself enough time to learn and do not fall for the make money quick schemes. That type of thinking is a huge distraction and leads to almost certain failure.
- Step 2: Get a thorough education in affiliate marketing with this free step by step full training course for beginners.
BIG Step Number 3: You Need to Find Yourself a MENTOR!
Yes, it is in all CAPS for a reason. Look guys and gals, if you’re trying to make hundreds of dollars and eventually thousands of dollars a day, you need to have someone to help and guide you, basically show you the way step-by-step, while avoiding the traps that lead to no results.
A mentor will dramatically improve the time it takes to see your first dollar online (by a factor of 10x).
Look at it this way, let’s say you started learning about affiliate marketing on your own and even applied some techniques you picked up here and there, but then were not seeing any success within say…two months. You’d probably give up. In fact, I’m sure of it.
However, had you found yourself a successful mentor, you would not have to repeat the same mistakes they did (or that you will) and they’ll keep you focused on a path that has seen proven success and that is a repeatable process. Plus, they keep you motivated and held accountable for tasks that need to be completed.
Because let’s be honest there is hard work that goes into this, at least upfront when you are setting everything up, but then it gets much easier with less work and more passive income coming in. That beats a quick buck if you ask me. A steady income stream flowing in is what we are after.
I am offering free mentoring (for a limited time) for those who have read this far.
If you think you’d be interested in having your own mentor on standby there for you whenever you have a question then go ahead and sign-up here. (only serious individuals please)
Which brings me to my last point…
Join a community of like-minded individuals that are actually successful (click screen shot below). There’s an abundance of mentors within this community, which I have been a part of since 2013. It’s free to join so do it now, no excuses. It is also imperative to stay active within the industry that you are thinking of getting into, affiliate marketing; a branch of the more general term internet marketing.
They have a community full of helpful members ready and willing to give back to new comers so you can get practically instant answers to any questions you may have about affiliate marketing. And on top of all that they have the state of the art, industry leading training courses on all subjects relating to affiliate marketing that I mentioned above, all in one site.

Either way these bits of advice are the best things I can offer, so I genuinely hope you take me up on them.
Real Life Example
Let me give you another example. Let’s say you’re trying to bake a cake and you don’t use a recipe. So you have all the ingredients and you think you know what you’re doing but you have no real (secret) recipe.
So you get in the kitchen, get your ingredients and start chopping away, you’re mixing, doing it all. Then you throw your concoction in the oven, but you forget the temperature and you don’t know for how long to cook it. Well then basically, you don’t know how to make the perfect cake (and eat it too) now do you. The cake is a metaphor for a steady passive income made through affiliate marketing.
My goal with writing this today is so that you can avoid the stumbling blocks from the beginning when it comes to learning and implementing affiliate marketing the right way, for a long term (perhaps life-long) sustainable income for you.
Now doesn’t it make complete sense to do what you can upfront to get it right the first time while having someone always pushing you until you actually make your first dollar online?
A mentor can literally cut your time to success in half or even more from my experience. So what it takes a normal person 6-9 months to achieve, you’ll get there in most likely less than three months.
There are hundreds of thousands of people out there that have dabbled in affiliate marketing or have been struggling for years, only to be disappointed in the outcome. I can guarantee they are not even making close to $1,000 a day. So be careful who you listen to online, they claim to be experts with no proof, because they couldn’t make it themselves they try to scam people instead.
People who look for shortcuts or the path of least resistance will be met with frustration and will always fail because they don’t actually want to invest the time it takes to set up a real online business and as such, do not treat it like one.
If you do not take the time to learn the tried and true techniques, with the affiliate marketing free full training course, and don’t give yourself realistic goals and a timetable that is reasonable to achieve success, then you may just become another statistic. There is no excuse for failure with the resource I mention at your disposal.
Listen Folks, Affiliate Marketing Online is a REAL Business, Act Accordingly.
It is no different than a brick and mortar business. You don’t expect to open shop and be profitable overnight without spending a dime.
So if you’re not ready to invest your time (we’re only talking 10-20 hours per week) and a little bit on education or a blog then you are going to fail. I’m just being straight with you! Feel free to keep spinning your wheels drowning on misinformation or get a legit game plan together to make this work for you.
My advice is don’t go the trial and error route, this will only lead to you giving up. Trust me, been there, done that; up until I joined the community I mentioned above. It has transformed my life and my successes online. It took me a while to get my head in gear so I do understand if you’re feeling lost.
Back when I was starting out, if I had known there was a way to cut the time to success in half, I would have brought the program/community I mentioned above into my life in a heartbeat. If you can make it a lifestyle, it will change your life. If there is one thing to take away from reading this today, to earn money affiliate marketing it is me sharing my top recommendation for you to become a successful online marketer.
With all sincerity, I hope you join the free community of thousands of successful affiliate marketers (link above) and learn exactly what’s being done to earn a full time income from home on auto-pilot. It really is the best advice that I have for you. It’s also where I got my start out in this business and you have no excuses because it’s free.
- If you’d like, you may sign-up for my one-on-one personal mentoring at no cost to you by following the link below.
- Learning affiliate marketing step-by-step using the training community I recommended above is how to get sure results. Take it from someone that’s been doing it already (for years).
In Closing
When you start out trying to learn affiliate marketing online for free don’t be so selfish and prideful, like I once was, thinking you can do it all on your own. Don’t let your pride be your downfall. If you think you’re smarter than the rest, then be my guest, go ahead try it out on your own. I’d love to see your results. But until then, take me up on ALL my recommendations (above). Be humble.
If you’d like to be taught how to do this successfully, and think you might need personal 1-on-1 coaching, then I’m here for you. I’m accepting students currently (at no cost to you) for a limited time and you may connect with me here on my page that details why having a mentor is so important.
If you take my advice to heart and really follow-up, then it will be the difference between only a couple of bucks here and there; compared to a few hundred a day, then to thousands a day, and it only scales up from there. I invite you to try me and give it a test run.
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